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Middleware is a way to execute arbitrary logic globally before or after executing an API.

Typically, it is used in conjunction with Meta to inspect and filter requests and responses sent to the API, or to set up Context.

Initially, you wanted an API to only serve authenticated users, so you wrote code at the beginning of the API to check if the user is logged in:

export const api = defineApi({
meta: {},
async action(params: {}, context) {
const token = context.headers.get("Authorization");
if (token !== "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx") throw reject("DEVICE_NOT_LOGIN", "This device is not logged in yet");
// Your subsequent code..

Later, you realized that this logic to ensure user authentication is needed for many APIs. In this case, you can refactor it into a middleware. Create a new file ensure-logined-middleware.ts in your /src/middlewares/ directory:

export const ensureLoginedMiddleware = defineMiddleware({
beforeExecute: async (context) => {
const token = context.headers.get("Authorization");
if (token !== "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx") throw reject("DEVICE_NOT_LOGIN", "This device is not logged in yet");

We use defineMiddleware to define a middleware. Inside it, we use a beforeExecute lifecycle hook, which is called before the API is executed. In any lifecycle hook, throwing an exception can interrupt the invocation. If all hook methods are executed successfully, the next hook will be executed.

We need to add the middleware to MilkioApp. Edit your /milkio.ts file:

export const milkio = await createMilkioApp({
middlewares: () => [
// The middleware you just wrote..

middlewares is a function that returns an array containing the middlewares you want to add to MilkioApp. The order of middlewares in the array determines their execution order, with the ones at the beginning being closer to the outer layer of the “onion.”

- middlewares: () => [middlewareA, middlewareB, middlewareC]
Client (Request)
[ ▼ ]
(middlewareA -> beforeExecute)
[ ▼ ]
(middlewareB -> beforeExecute)
[ ▼ ]
(middlewareC -> beforeExecute)
[ ▼ ]
Execute API
[ ▼ ]
(middlewareC -> afterExecute)
[ ▼ ]
(middlewareB -> afterExecute)
[ ▼ ]
(middlewareA -> afterExecute)
[ ▼ ]
Client (Response)

Lifecycle Hooks

Method NameTrigger PointParametersRemarks
bootstrapExecuted when MilkioApp startsmilkioAppExecuted only once at startup
afterHTTPRequestExecuted after the HTTP request arrivesheaders, detailExecuted only for HTTP calls
beforeExecuteExecuted before the API is actually calledcontextExecuted for any type of invocation
afterExecuteExecuted after the API is actually calledcontext, responseExecuted for any type of invocation
beforeHTTPResponseExecuted before the HTTP request endsresponse, detailExecuted only for HTTP calls